
Who Are You Chapter 3 MaleReader X America

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You sat in your a room that you were told was yours but you know you never seen before. You sat on your bed thinking if you could remember anything about your family. You wanted anything just a glimpse of how you use to act. You continued to think about your mother, father, sister and twin brother. Nothing came to your head you remember nothing. You started to look for something in your room that might make you remember.

You found a picture there was you, Jordan, that damn blonde man and you're a white haired man with crimson eyes all smiling and laughing in the photo. YOur head started to hurt and you fell to the ground

Flash Back

"Come On F/n" JOrdan said "If we don't hurry we won't get there in time"
"I am coming" You said

The two of you ran to the festival when you finally got to the festival there was your good friends Gilbert and Alfred.

"What took you guys so long" Alfred asked
"F/n was taking his time picking out what he wanted to wear he is just like a girl" jordan said

"Great to see you Jordan" Gil said charmingly
"same to you king of awesomeness" Jordan said with a bow.

Gil walked over to Jordan and put an arm around him.

"so where are we going to go first" Alfred asked
"Lets go play some games" F/n said
"Great idea" Gil said

They all walked over to a game of strength alfred went to go see how strong he was but he only got a 43, then gil went he got a 56, Jordan went he got a 32 and then F/n went he got a 67. They all didn't really care they were laughing at each other too much they all ran over to a game where you have to get to the top of a latter and push a button. Alfred said "Guys I am going to win this". AS soon as Alfred started climbing he feel off. You all laugh after a while you got bored of the games.

You went to get something to eat you all had to get burgers and fries because Alfred refused to get anything less besides. YOu all sta their all talking about different topics which had nothing to do with each other.

It started to get late "F/n me and Gil are going to go somewhere" Jordan said. Like that they started running to the ferris wheel.

You started walking around with Alfred it was all quiet You walked behind a building and Alfred grabbed your hand and was about to say something

End Of Flashback

You woke up knowing you remembered something but now you just had even more questions then started with. Like why was Gil and Jordan so close, What was Alfred going to say. At thought all of you were good friends.

You wanted some sort of answer the only other person was there was Jordan. So you walked over to his room his music was blasting Hunter Hayes songs. You knocked on his door. He answered after pausing his music.

"Hey F/n did you need something" He asked
"ya I think I remember something" you answered

a pleased look appeared on his face "What did you remember"  he asked
"I remembered you, me, Alfred and Gil going to a fair or some amusement park" he said confused

Instantly Jordan face looked like in pain but he covered it up with a smile quickly. You wondered why he was in in of that memory.

"Don't just stand there F/n come in" he said happily

You two walked in his room. You sat on his bed and he sat in his computer chair. You looked around you saw a a whole bunch of cooking equipment and book shelves of cooking books. You knew he must of loved to cook but when you looked in his closet you saw acoustic guitar. You wondered why he had a guitar.

"What did you remember" Jordan asked
"Well I remember me, you, alfred and going in the amusement park playing games, eating and when it started to get late you and Gil ran off somewhere. When you guys left me and Alfred started wandering around and when we walked behind a building Alfred was going to say something then I woke up" F/n explained

"Do you know what happened" you asked

"Well all of us been planning that trip forever we saved up all the money we could get our hands on. It was like a get away from real life. YOu were looking forwarded to it the most".

"How about you and Gil you are more than friends right" YOu asked

Jordan was right about to answer when Manori ran in the room and said "we don't talk about that anymore". "Don't Worry Manori I am okay" jordan told her. "weLL Me and Gil did start to date we were dating even when we were on that trip but a while back we broke up I still don't know why but ya we did have a special relationship"

You then asked "who are my close friends that I would always talk to"

Jordan thought for a moment then he said " well the ones that actually know what happened to you would be Alfred, Arthur, Gilbert, Kiku, Matthew and me" he said

"I gonna guess that you are going to have to find things or talk about things that bring back memories that your head locked away. I am kinda jealous of you all those bad things you forgot I wish oi could have that happened" Jordan said

"Thanks" you said

"No Problem" Jordan said

You couldn't get jordan face of pain out of your face even when he said he was over gil it feel like he was telling the truth you need to know what happened you wanted to make sure he was okay and not lying to you because you forgot you memories.
Sorry it took so long had whole bunch ideas didn't know which one to choose

Next: In Progress
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Aromi3's avatar
Yayyyy I want part 4 please